Embodying my Feminine Energy

Since I started working with more and more women and doing inner work, I discovered a whole new side of myself.
I’ve always been a person that wanted to do things the way she wanted, and I would go against the whole world to fight for myself and my independence.

However, the more work, efforts and challenges I had to face, the more I realized that what I built around me was a thick layer of protection that pushed back anything that was coming my way.

More than fighting for myself, I was fighting against myself.

I went down a hole way too deep, without even understanding anymore how to soften up, how to be vulnerable and how to tell myself that it’s okay not to be okay.

I thought that I had it all under control: a beautiful career, traveling the world, meeting people from all over the world, dating all kinds of men but without letting anyone come through me.
I thought I could do it all by myself, but deep down I was scared of trusting, of surrendering and letting myself be vulnerable.

Until a point when E V E R Y T H I N G changed.
Spirit wanted me to be more than that rigid, aggressive, impulsive behavior.
Spirit wanted me to be more that a one-way only kind of person.
Spirit wanted me to be less in my masculine, and more in my soft, calming waters.
I had to break old patterns and reframe my life in a more authentic, natural way.

Everything I believed in turned upside down.
The freedom I thought to live in became my prison.

But deep within my intuitive heart, I knew that these challenges were NECESSARY for me to grow and expand.

So I chose to stay in the uncomfortable, trying to understand more of it and what it wanted from me.

I took action, but this time it was different.
I have always thrived in action, in moving, in changing places and people around me.
This time the action required me not to take action.
Not acting form impulsivity, from my fiery soul, but instead from my heart, my receptivity, my intuition, my vulnerability and my deepest, most fragile truth.

It was so hard not to fight back, to accept and to fully surrender.
When I look back, I really believe that I went through and identity crisis.

It took me a long time of healing, practices, coaching sessions, intimate communication and confrontation, meditation and loving support to finally understand how to connect with my femininity and fall in love with it.

I have not given up my masculine energy, and I will never do that, but I learnt how to soften it to allow more space for my feminine to speak out, to be seen, to be heard.

Since then, I feel more free and empowered than I have ever been in my entire life!

My relationship with my partner strengthened so much more, I attracted the right kind of people into my life, the right clients to work with, and even my Yoga practice softened.
Most importantly, I learnt about a whole new side of myself that allows me today to live in harmony, to feel more grounded, wiser, more powerful, and I finally recognized my vulnerability as my superpower.

I thank the Universe, but really more than anything I thank myself, because transformation and healing would have never happened if I didn’t courageously recognized that something was not in balance and that the only way to grow was to change.

"Change only happens to those who are meant to live a more empowered life".

"Change only happens when you want it more than you fear it".

"Change only happens when we go against everything we’re used to".

"Change is the only constant in life".

Growth is painful.
Change is painful.
But there is nothing more painful than staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

My dear, if you are here reading these words and you resonate with what I write, know that I feel you, I see you, I hear you, I believe in you.
And I can help you because I went through it too.

I have been helping women empower themselves and live authentically for years now.
The power, strength, and beauty of women coming together is one of the most profound experiences I could ever witness.

It would be my honor to help you overcome your obstacles and past wounds, and support you in your awakening.

To learn more about my Empowering Embodiment Coaching, click on the link below.

With love and gratitude,

Alice xxx


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